Name: John Davenhall
Individual Rating Points (IPR): 4
Matches Played: 8
Points Won: 34.5
Points Per Match: 4.312
Percent of Points (POPS): 0.530
Team Vs Wk Rnd On PW POPS
SCN DTP 1 1 CactusCanyon 1 0.400
SCN DTP 1 3 Metallica 3 1.000
SCN DTP 1 4 SternTrek 1.5 0.600
SCN KNR 10 2 WCS 2 0.666
SCN KNR 10 3 Godzilla 0 0.000
SCN KNR 10 4 StrangerThings 1 0.400
SCN NLT 11 2 Seawitch 0 0.000
SCN NLT 11 3 BSD 0 0.000
SCN NLT 11 4 TZ 0 0.000
SCN DIH 2 1 WCS 2 0.800
SCN DIH 2 3 WCS 3 1.000
SCN DIH 2 4 SEGAGOD 2.5 1.000
SCN LAS 4 1 WOF 1.5 0.600
SCN LAS 4 3 FOO 3 1.000
SCN LAS 4 4 Godzilla 2.5 1.000
SCN TWC 7 1 WCS 2.5 1.000
SCN TWC 7 3 WCS 0 0.000
SCN TWC 7 4 SEGAGOD 0 0.000
SCN FBS 8 1 WCS 2.5 1.000
SCN FBS 8 3 SEGAGOD 3 1.000
SCN FBS 8 4 StrangerThings 1.5 0.600
SCN CPO 9 1 Monopoly 1 0.400
SCN CPO 9 3 8Ball 0 0.000
SCN CPO 9 4 The Amazing Spider-Man 1 0.400
©2019-2023 Monday Night Pinball