Account sign-up is free. Both roster players and substitutes can obtain an account. This
allows the player to enter their own scores on league night, and for captains to access the
additional features to manage a league night.
It is essential that the name listed here matches your IFPA/MatchPlay name, and be the same
name you use in all pinball tournaments. If uncertain what name to use and you’ve played
tournaments previously, please look up your name
here: if
you have multiple entries, use the name that includes an IFPA rank. If none have a rank,
use the entry with the highest Matchplay LB, which represents the name you’ve used most
often in prior pinball tournaments. If you are still uncertain and you have multiple names
associated to you, please contact the league at to get name issues
Once a name is selected, it is your responsibility to insist to captains in MNP, as well
as to the tournament directors for any pinball tournaments you play in, to use that name.
Where would you like to play? In your choice of locations, you may include
any location that has at least 8 machines, even if they don't have an MNP
team yet. That will help us gauge where the next expansion teams might go.
Would you be interested in being a team captain?
You need a minimum of 1 season played to be a captain.
Once your account request has been received, you should receive email with a link
to complete the account registration and select a password. If you do not get that
email within 15 minutes, please check your spam or junk folder. If still no success,
contact for support.
If you lost your account information or need to reset your password, you may use
this form to reenter your IFPA name and email address. Use the same confirmation
process to select the new password.
Email addresses will never be sold and not used for any purpose other than logging
into MNP account and for the league to contact individual players for MNP-related