Matches : WK13 CRA @ TWC 1 2 3 4 B Total
Castle Crashers 6 5 14 7 9 41
The Wrecking Crew 14 16 7 13 9 59
Venue: Georgetown Pizza and Arcade
Joshua Francis
Ken Disbennett
Lineup: 10 Players IPR: 38
IPR Name Games  
5 Armand Go (3)
5 Chris Tinney (3)
6 Connor Vermeys (3)
4 Grey Ertl (3)
3 Jay Ostby (3)
1 Joel Astley (3)
6 Joshua Francis (3)
5 Justin Ari (3)
2 Ken Disbennett (3)
1 Ted Lasseter (3)
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