Matches : WK2 NLT @ TTT 1 2 3 4 B Total
Northern Lights 10 14 11 13 9 57
The Trailer Trashers 10 7 10 7 9 43
Venue: Seattle Tavern and Pool Hall
Kevin Coulton
Nic Cope
Lineup: 10 Players IPR: 20
IPR Name Games  
1 Alicia Seftel (3)
1 Blake Butler (3)
1 Dana Harper (3)
1 Greg Balducci (3)
1 Kevin Coulton (3)
2 Kyle Hayden (3)
5 Nic Cope (3)
2 Philip Pinette (3)
5 Rick Weber (3)
1 Stephen Brundle (3)
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