Matches : WK6 LAS @ POW 1 2 3 4 B Total
Little League All Stars 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Power 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venue: Ice Box
Round: 1


AWAY: 10 - 31 HOME: 10 - 41
Little League All Stars The Power
4 Adam Livengood 4 Bird Arzoumanian
4 Brandon Pietenpol 3 Brendan Niebruegge
3 Christopher Davis 3 Chase Martin
3 (c) Danielle Wilcox 4 Chris Mullen
3 (c) Jared Bayliss 5 (c) MK Walker
4 Jon Erickson WA 4 Matt Ramey
2 Kelli Goins 5 (c) Matthew Harjo
1 Michael Fricke 5 Nestor Rocha
5 Robbie Finnigan 5 Nick Lindsay
2 Rolo Carey 3 Val Gaifoulline
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