Matches : WK2 NMC @ TWC 1 2 3 4 B Total
Neuromancers 3 5 6 4 9 27
The Wrecking Crew 17 16 15 16 9 73
Venue: Georgetown Pizza and Arcade
Tim Uomoto
Sean Bray
Lineup: 10 Players IPR: 24
IPR Name Games  
4 Andrew Meuser (3)
1 Brian Baskoff (SUB) (3)
2 Cassandra Dymock (3)
2 Chris Page (SUB) (3)
1 Emily Hunter WA (3)
2 Jennell Baldwin (SUB) (3)
4 Michael Senff (3)
2 Paul Irvine (3)
1 Sean Bray (3)
5 Tim Uomoto (3)
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