Matches : WK6 SCN @ TWC 1 2 3 4 B Total
Seacorns 0 0 0 0 0 0
The Wrecking Crew 0 0 0 0 0 0
Venue: Georgetown Pizza and Arcade
Round: 1


AWAY: 10 - 31 HOME: 10 - 47
Seacorns The Wrecking Crew
2 (c) Claire Burke 4 Alan Wiley
2 (c) Danielle Crowson 4 (c) Alexa Philbeck
4 Jeff Gagnon 6 (c) Bryan Eastman
5 Jesse Labbe 5 Erik Gust
2 Lars Rehe 4 Erin Malysa
5 Nic Crowson 6 Kellan Kirkland
5 Nick Delehanty 4 Luke Camarda
1 Olivia Orni 5 Marshall Denton
4 Ryan Newstrum 5 Travis Maisch
1 Shirley Recinos 4 Will Kirkland
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